Originally Posted by sensuison
Ok, hmm i think i might just search for a new one or make a new one. I just noticed that the flags are quite pixilized or distorted.
Pixelated? There's no reason they should be pixelated. Did you alter the size of the images at all? These images are very tiny and will distort if you try to enlarge them. They should look like this, exactly like they do in the Screenshot:
Originally Posted by bago200
Yeah, the flags are not all what i expected it to be but can work for now. I also noticed that if nothing shows up after copying the code to postbit_legacy its best to try putting the code in postbit only.
That's because
postbit and
postbit_legacy are two different style options. For example, vBulletin.org uses
postbit, with the Avatars and User Information above everyone's posts. But some forums, like mine, use
postbit_legacy, with the avatar and info to the left hand side of all the posts. You put this code in whichever template your using for your forum.
Originally Posted by clothahump
Installed and Uninstalled within 30 minutes, images do not show for me, maybe try it again when it works.
This is a very simple template edit. It works on everyone's forum, regardless of version. But if it's not working for you, then you've put the code in the wrong template or placed it in the wrong spot.