Originally Posted by ForenFan
"my evil twin" already asked for the option to search unchecked posts, I think that would be a really great addition. The "save activation" option he suggested would be good to, because I know my Mods, they will forget to switch it on and think the threads are already checken *g*.
Another option I'd like to have as admin is to force moderation mode on moderators, or at least set it as default when they log-in. I hope you will implement our suggestions  .
i'm not a HE
i'm also looking forward your improvements, kirk, as this is a very very useful hack.
our mods tend to moderate with the "new posts" view (getdaily search), so it would be very useful for us to have this feature, or, at least, to know how to to make it work with other views than "showthreads".
thanks in advance and have a nice day