New Addition - 08/01/01
After seeing what Stasik did with the button I wanted to it to my site, but I added
a little change to show the signature on the "modify profile" template along
with the button. This borrows code from the original sedit.php hack.
Check it out:
Here's how to do it:
member.php find:
PHP Code:
AFTER it add:
PHP Code:
$signaturepreview=bbcodeparse($signature,0,$allowsmilies); // preview
Next open your
modifyprofile template
PHP Code:
<td bgcolor="#DFDFDF" valign="top"><b><normalfont>Signature:</normalfont></b><br>
<smallfont>Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts.</smallfont>
<p><smallfont>HTML code is $htmlonoff<br>
<a href="misc.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=bbcode">vB Code</A> is $bbcodeonoff<br>
[img] code is $imgcodeonoff<br>
<a href="misc.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=showsmilies">Smilies</a> are $smiliesonoff
<td bgcolor="#DFDFDF"><textarea name="signature" rows="6" cols="40">$bbuserinfo[signature]</textarea></td>
PHP Code:
<td bgcolor="#8080A6" colspan="2"><normalfont color="#EEEEFF" class="thtcolor"><b>Signature Preview</b> - </normalfont><smallfont color="white">Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts.</smallfont> </td>
<td bgcolor="#DFDFDF" valign="top"><blockquote>$signaturepreview</blockquote></td>
<td bgcolor="#DFDFDF" align="center"><a href="sedit.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=show"><img src="images/edit_sig.gif" width="122" height="23" border="0"></a></td>
and copy the attached image for your "edit signature" button. If you want to change
the color all you need to do is "colorize" the image and change the HUE.
I hope you like it.