Originally Posted by Rouzbeh1
thanks, i installed it but there is no addition in players section.
i have also changed the player for wmv files but i wants to play the file with jwflvplayer which is not possible....
Several points.
I'm gradually adding controls for all addins in the main LDM settings section, so after installing this extra, you have to decide which bits of it to enable in the JW MediaPlayer Addons section of that page.
The 'inline' player version (inlineJWplayer_active set to yes) was working fine, but the standard pop up player (wmpJWplayer_active set to yes) was not working because of a couple of coding bugs.
Can you try replacing the attached includes/local_links_players.php file and then install the replacement playlist-JWPlayer-plugin.xml, and let me know if this fixes the problem.
Finally, I don't think Silverlight works yet with Firefox 3.