I know, I know...this has been answered a million times over. the problem I am having is this: I have seen a million answers to this question, and a million-and-one comments that say "this does't work" or "how do I integrate it", or.... you get the idea.
The best post I have found on this is by Andreas and is here:
This is, however, from 2005, which means there either isn't a better way in the last 3 years or that I am simply missing it.
Here is what I am trying to do:
A user comes to my website, signs up for a new account using our custom site-wide registration tool. That user should automatically get populated into the VB forum/blog database and be logged in there as well, they should not have to re-register for the forums/blogs on our site or have to log in a second time.
Has anyone developed a better way of doing this or made a plugin by chance? I just don't want to re-invent the wheel if I don't have to.
For reference, it isn't feasible, given my application, to use the VB registration tool for my site, the forum/blog is but a very small component of a much larger solution.
thanks to all for any assistance.