To elaborate a bit more, here are a some features I'd like added to this invites system:
- The ability for the user to attach a note to the invitation. This will allow them to write whatever they want, and will NOT affect what the admin has used for the main e-mail body.
- The ability to add multiple invites at once. How many should be determined by the admin.
- As mentioned before...E-MAIL GRABBERS. Great addition to an invites system.
- If a user sends an invite and the person accepts, those two should automatically become buddies. (Feature should be able to turn on/off by admin)
- Admin selected expiration for invites.
- Automatic invite reminders sent to those who have not signed up yet. (How long before they are sent should be controlled by Admin.)
- The ability to add reputation points automatically to those who successfully get someone to sign on.
I apologize if these are already added. There has been already many good changes done to this invites system.