Adsense is a Google advertising program intended to generate revenue for the site.
As to your site...very neat and clean layout actually. I like it. The sponsors logos in the forum listings actually add something to the appearance of the site, very nicely done way of getting sponsorhip in without it looking like intrusive advertising.
My only observations:
1) As has been mentioned, the default error message on trying to view threads is very stark. Consider either opening it up to guests, or better still install one of the addons that allows guests to view the first one or two posts in a thread only, with a message inviting them to register to read more. You can see that sort of thing on my site (see sig).
2) I don't like the scrolling text at the top.....but that's just me. I know some people love it, but it always looks amateurish and annoying to me.
3) Minor style thing, but your collapse buttons have the wrong background in the category bars, which lets down an otherwise very nice style.
4) The info bar that pops up on some pages asking people to register...ugh! I personally hate those things and they would really put me off. But again, some webmasters swear by them so it's a personal thing.
The important thing with reviews is to remember that you don't have to rush out and do everything people recommend, it's all just opinions which you can take or leave as you see fit. What's right for one site may be wrong for another.