Whenever I run the maintenance on this mod I get to about 4000 count on it and then I get an error from my SQL server stating that I have overdone my sql query limits that are set at like 100000 or something. I would like to know if there is any way possible that I can either split the maintenance into two parts or slow it down so that I do not run into this error. It is unable to complete the maintenance and was unable to even complete its run the first time thru. More importantly than just not getting everyone/everything included it takes down my vB for a few mins while it resets and I can sql query access again. I have spoken with my hoster and there is no possible way to get more queries added on. I am currently running at the Level 2 with about 6300 users with an avg of 360 active per day. Would changing to the higher level correct this or just make it worse? Any thoughts thanks and sorry for the rambling.