Is there a mod which can do this?
So that at the top right of the forum I can have something like this:
"<text from a random post>"
-<thread name>
I made one myself, but it instead of the pages loading in less than a second, they took about 2 seconds to load, so I turned it off.
I used the global_start hook as anything else seemed to be processed too late.
Actually, if I post the code maybe someone will be able to help:
PHP Code:
$Qrs = $db->query_first('
SELECT pagetext, username, p.dateline, t.title, p.postid
FROM post p
INNER JOIN thread t on t.threadid = p.threadid
ORDER BY rand()
$Qtext = $Qrs['pagetext'];
$Qusername = $Qrs['username'];
$Qdate = $Qrs['dateline'];
$Qthreadtitle = $Qrs['title'];
$QqPostid = $Qrs['postid'];
$Qurl = "$QpostID#post$QpostID";
$Qdate = date("jS M y", $Qdate);
$Qtext = trim($Qtext);
$Qtext = str_replace('[B}', '<b>', $Qtext);
$Qtext = str_replace('[/B]', '</b>', $Qtext);
$Qtext = str_replace('[I]', '<i>', $Qtext);
$Qtext = str_replace('[/I]', '</i>', $Qtext);
$Qtext = str_replace('[U]', '<u>', $Qtext);
$Qtext = str_replace('[/U]', '</u>', $Qtext);
$Qtext = str_replace('[IMG]', '<a href="', $Qtext);
$Qtext = str_replace('[/IMG]', '">Image</a>', $Qtext);
//remove everything before [/quote] if it exists
$QcutQuote = "[/QUOTE]";
$QquotePos = stripos($Qtext, $QcutQuote);
if($QquotePos !== false) {
$QstartFrom = $QquotePos + strlen($QcutQuote);
$Qtext = substr($Qtext, $QstartFrom);
//make url
$Qoutput = "$Qtext<br/><br/>- $Qusername<br/>\"<a href=\"$Qurl\">$Qthreadtitle</a>\"";
$Qquotes = $Qoutput;
$Qquotes is in the top right advert template, and the script is started on global_start