re: screenshots :
Positive rep displays like this :
+30 "
or this :
+8 "
Negative rep displays like this :
or this :
These little display indicators appear next to the

post title icon by default in postbit_legacy. However... you can simply do a different template edit to make them appear in a different place, or in a different format. As stated in the mod, what this mod really does is provide $post[rsum] the vartiable in postbit and postbit_legacy. By using template conditionals with this variable, you can create pretty much any effect you want. That's why I don't include screenshots... how this mod looks on your forum is entirely up to you.
re: WoWhead: WoWhead appears to be using a very simplified version of the rep system where you just have "+" and "-" buttons. My mod uses the full reputation system as a backend. But, like WoWhead, it displays the cumulative score each post has got on the post. By using a template edit (involving using a custom rsum conditional to add a font color tag before the post pagetext) you could quite easily make posts with high reputation appear in green, just like posts with high points/karma on WoWhead appear in green. By default, though, that isn't how it works. By default my mod's template edit just adds a small indicator at the top of posts. However, you can quite easily use the supplied variable to do other graphical effects if you wish, including the effect WoWhead uses. You just have to be willing to learn how to use simple template conditionals if you want custom effects.