Originally Posted by leginag
When I go to view banned users, there aren't any of the users that were banned.
But when I go look at the individual user profile they say they are in the COPPA group, and I have to change that to registered user. But when I look at the COPPA group, there isn't anyone in there:S It's like..phantom user group!
You must have installed this hack on 3.6.x, like me. I'm screwed until these banned members somehow get in contact with me.
edit: And yes, I don't have a usergroup 8...
editedit: Wait! Maybe I can run a sql query looking for group 8. brblulz
editeditedit: That returned nothing either. Maybe I got everyone, or they are still in limbo...
oh, and the SQL query I used was
SELECT * FROM user WHERE usergroupid='8'