Originally Posted by vithorius
Just installed on vB 3.6.8 and will now try it as it eems to be what I was looking for...
GREAT, GREAT, GREAT MOD!!! :up: :up: :up:
Ok, now that I have it installed, I would like to ask the following:
Is it possible to change some code in order to better integrate this Mod with the ARCHIVE mode (the link on lower-right of the forum)?
The problem is that I use a lot the ARCHIVE MODE, which is PERFECT for printing and very good for low bandwidth connections and/or for some kind of searches/views.
When I'm navigating through my forums on Archive Mode, I can't see the Video - ok, it would be expectable, as this is just the archive of the posts, so no changing on this situation please...
The problem is that I just can't see no Youtube links either...! So, when you browse the Archive, there is no possibility to know where could you get the URL for the Video, because all you get is the Title for the video - there could be dozens of videos on Youtube with the same title...
So, the URL would be the best in order to get you to the video...
Here is one example (my board is in portuguese). The original post with the embed Youtube video (which is ok!):
Here is the Archive Mode of the SAME POST ABOVE with no URL Links, just the Title (but that is poor help):
Here is a DIFFERENT POST (before AME installation on my board) in Archive Mode that shows the Youtube URL (as I would like to be with the now-AME posts):
Could you please do something about this?
Thank you so very much! :up:
