Hi Ringleader. Thanks for making this mod. I had a customer that was using the other defunct one and it stopped working in 3.68.
I made a change to the cpnav_autopmemailpaidsub.xml so that it would load the menu item under the paid subscription menu instead of creating a whole new menu listing. Much neater that way. If anyone else wants to change this then just replace the contents of cpnav_autopmemailpaidsub.xml with the following code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<navgroups product="autopmemailpaidsub" master="false">
<navgroup phrase="paid_subscriptions" permissions="canadminusers" hr="true" displayorder="170">
<navoption displayorder="500">
Also if you want to use variables then the best way is to use phrases instead of a text input box.