I made my own April Fools hack this year.
How it works:
Theres a 10% chance the user's page will load from right to left. You can still read the text, but it lays the tables out opposite and will confuse people.
As an added bonus, there's a 12.5% chance of being redirected to another website. I chose
www.barbie.com. You can put whatever you want.
Im not a real good vb modder, but this works for my vb 3.6.8:
1. Create a new plugin, call it "April Fools" or whatever name you'd like.
2. Set the hook location to style_fetch which is located under Vbulletin: General in the drop down list.
3. Add the following code:
$aprilfools = rand (1, 10 );
if ($aprilfools == '8') {
$apr1css = "
<style type=\"text/css\">
table {direction:rtl;}
table table table {direction:ltr;}
if ($aprilfools == '2') {
$apr1css = "
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
window.location = \"http://www.barbie.com\"
You can edit
www.barbie.com with anything you want.
Make sure this plugin is set to active when you save.
Then, go into the Style Manager and edit your templates. In the header template, add this to the very beginning