Originally Posted by josiespencer
Heya, Andrew! I haven't been here to yank your chain for awhile.
I have a problem with your amazing mod - some of my users seem to be able to download more than their daily allowance. Here is an example:
Any clue?
Not off the top of my head. Have you taken a look at what the LDM admin thinks they are downloading? - ldm/admin/hits and then use the menus and links to drill down and see what the user is recorded as accessing. Have you also tried creating a new user in this group and seeing what happens when you try to go over the allowance limit?
It may be a real problem with accesses or it may just be something strange in the presentation of the hits
After looking at the code, it's possible that the report given on the LDM/admin/bandwidth page is not accurate. Not all 'hits' count against allowances - only those which actually require LDM to take control of the file transfer. So accesses to offsite links are not actually 'countable' against the allowances. I think the allowance rules are working correctly, but am ready to be proved wrong.