Originally Posted by rmxs
Can we use something like $user etc???
Not currently. The PM body and email body cannot take variables and interpret them, unfortunately. I'll try to think of a way around this though, but until then this is not possible.
Originally Posted by Xeder
Thanks for this.
But i was hoping if u could add an option to send a copy of that pm to a defined staff?
Yes, I will be adding a cc list that you can send the same pm/email to other people like moderators or the admin (though there's already an option in vbulletin that sends an email to the admin when someone buys a paid subscription).
Originally Posted by DssCrazy
Also where do you type in the message to let the member know when their Paid Subscription is almost up?
Custom messages for when a paid subscription is about to expire is not currently in version 1.0
It will be in a future version though, with the option to set when each subscriber is informed (currently subscribers are emailed by default in vbulletin 2-3 days before their subscription is to expire)
Originally Posted by hornstar1337
Thanks! I am actually a user that requested this several times, and even has 2 coders going to make it for me before they vanished. So I am very happy that you have made this.
I noticed that people were asking for the same mod that I needed myself.
I'm glad that you like it!
Originally Posted by hornstar1337
ps. Will you be upgrading this to 3.7 as well, as I plan on upgrading when vb 3.7 goes gold.
Yes, I will be updating this for 3.7 but only when a stable version is released.
The PM system in 3.7 for automated PM's is slightly different to the system in 3.6.8 I understand, so the PM bit in this mod will almost definitely not work in 3.7
If you (of anyone else for that matter) want to install it on a 3.7 board, the emails should work the way they are set at the moment