Hi everybody!
I need some help on installation. I run a
portuguese drummers forum and I'm having some difficulties on the 3rd step of installation:
3. Edit all the usergroup permissions (all groups default to no access).]
I just don't know were will I edit all those usergroup permissions... What must I search for...?
I made the first two steps: 1. Upload and 2. Install iTrader Product via Plugin Manager using the provided XML file, and it was just OK!
Please, could someone help me? I know this must be such a lame/beginners question, but I just don't know were will I do this...
(I believe that this could be a portuguese/english translation problem as my english is not that much good on technical stuff... I already went from top to bottom in the AdminCP and found just nothing where I could edit, or just click relating to iTrader and usergroup permissions...)
My board uses vB 3.6.8 with the default theme.
Thank you so much!
King regards and greetings from