Dear Phalynx,
I wish to personally thank you for having developped this vBExperience mods. It's a great and excellent tool for motivating users to do more on the board by letting them see their level of participation within the Community.
I installed this mods on my forum and it is perfect. Works without problems. :up:
I also wish to give you some feedback suggestion for improvement on one aspect of it: namely the point counting for attachment views.
As you know, attachments are posted by different users on a board and a given user is often encouraged to view (and provide comments on, etc...) attachment(s) posted by others.
The current version vBExperience 3.7.10 takes into account views on OWN attachments through the "Points for attachment views". It's a kind of reward for posting interesting attachments. This means that if a user nicknamed A click on attachments posted by user nicknamed B, C and D, the reward goes to B, C and D for having posted interesting attachments :up:. vBExperience in its current version does not encourage/motivate user nicknamed A to view attachments posted by other users .
It will be excellent if vBExperience mods could also give the possibility of rewarding points to user nicknamed A for viewing (taking the time to view or click on) attachments posted by B, C and D. This could be described as: "Points that are added for every view on OTHER USERS attachments".