Originally Posted by Strik3
I posted it under <!-- toolbar --> (i was to lazy to search the exact string to post it in here)
vBulletin Options -> Toggle Active Status for All -> marked
vBulletin Options -> vBulletin Options -> Showthread -> Enable Social Bookmarking -> Yes
Do you have bookmarks already added? Does the code, when in it's original place in the template work?
If the answer is yes to both questions, and you have done everything and rechecked the work, then I can not see what is wrong without taking a look at your site.
[S]So, if want me to take a look then feel free to PM me your site address, a temp admin user (with admin permissions -
Can Administer Styles for editing templates), without these I cannot help you. I will look
when I have time, and even if I have a look, I can not guarantee that I will be able to fix it, so it is up to you what you want to do.[/S]