Hi all...
Well, this is a little explanation by me on how to fix the error:
"you do not have enough permissions to access this site" in some
NON-ENGLISH blogs/forums caused by
bad mapping user procedure.
For this, we will map users manually from the database with a Db Manager like PhpMyAdmin for example.
First, Reinstall the plugin.
After, To make the changes we need to do the following steps:
Go to the table:
Your_wordpress_db -> wp_options
Find the rows with the following prefixes (
"options_name" column):
Where "
X" is your
Now, we must change the field "
option_value" in each row for the desire User group permissions (
Check the legend at the end of this post), and save.
For Example :
"I wish that my Vbulletin administrators can also manage the blog wordpress"
MY Vbulletin AdministratorsID: 9
so... In my wordpress Database i Go to :
MyWORDPRESSDB -> wp_options
... I Search:
And change the "
option_value" field in the row for:
And Done, my
Vbulletin Administratorscan manage wordpress blog too!!! without "you do not have enough permissions to access this site" error.
Note, use the following values to update fields:
-- For your Wordpress ADMINS group --->
-- For your Wordpress EDITORS group --->
-- For your Wordpress AUTHORS group --->
-- For your wordpress CONTRIBUTOR group --->
-- For your wordpress SUBSCRIBER / SUSCRIPTOR group --->
NOTE 2 :
* If you add more Vbulletin Usergroups, you must be re-map the users.
* DONT USE the Vbridge User Settings !!!
Testing and running on Vbulletin 3.6.8 and Wordpress 2.3.3.
This issue is caused by a translation in wordpress (ES_es.mo), i think.
Check :
Sorry for my english