I see no forums at all in the first link, and the second link gave me an error.
But, I am guessing you want to play with how many sub-forums are shown on your index page? Go to vboptions > Forum Listings Display Options and play with these three numbers:
Depth of Forums - Forum Home
For example, if this is set to 2 and your forums are arranged like this:
----child's child
Then you will only see the first two levels on your forum homepage:
Depth of Forums - Forum Display
For example, if this is set to 2 and your forums are arranged like this:
----child's child
And you are currently viewing the "parent" forum then you will see the first two levels of the parent forum's subforums on the forumdisplay page:
----child's child
Depth of Sub-Forums
Use this option to display deep subforums as text links in the parent's forum description area.
For example, if your forums are setup like this:
----child's child
And your forum depth is set to 2 and this setting is set to 3 then you will see the first two forums displayed "fully" on the forum homepage while the level 3 "child's child" forum will appear within the "child" forum's description:
child forum's description.
Sub-Forums: child's child