Originally Posted by wasku
I installed this works great but one question. Most users won't know this feature is enabled there is no button or tags to put around it. And the embedded doesnt work because html isn't enabled. But if i just put the address bar then it works fine. This is not a problem
But i would really like somesort of button in the reply box.
Does anyone know anything about this?
We've used this add on for months, and have never experienced it not working. We don't have the HTML on in most of the forum if not all of it, and it works as long as you have the videos selected in the admin cp options. Meaning it's not going to auto embed metacafe if it's turned off in the admin cp.
I have thought of that as well with the button on the editor, and the fact that people won't know it's there. Or if they see people post they are going to ask questions on how do they do it. It would be nice if there was a button that worked like the Link Unlink where it said what url do you want to add or what code would you like to add to the thread. It still wouldn't necessarily need to be a BBcode, but it would notify everyone that "hey you can post or embed videos".