Originally Posted by FRDS
Yeah, I'll eat my hat. Pass the salt.
That was last May. Since then I sat down and wrote an entirely new framework from the ground up that is capacle of running itself without interfering with vbulletin in any way. It's taken 9 months and as much of that development was funded by my current employer I still need his permission to release any of the code which may never happen. However my own vbulletin website is being converted over to it at long last and things are going smoothly.
The framework is called Pam here in the office - that stands for PHP Ajax Multimedia framework. Pam is very flexible and powerful - but difficult for a non-programmer to use. That's sort of the point though - each and every one of these frameworks is built with an eye on making getting the site up and running as quickly as possible. None of them are easy to build modules are components for. Pam is different in that rather than make things easy on the end user Pam makes things easy on the programmer (who is in turn expected to make life easy for the end user - that's his job).
Building a module for Pam is easy - drop it in. Pam can even run vbulletin in its entirely as a module. How much (or little) a program is integrated into the framework is the programmer's choice. No other PHP framework online can make the claim that vbulletin, Joomla, vbulletin, and phpmyadmin will run underneath it. Pam can.
But this thing is not ready and will not be ready from prime-time for awhile yet. My pride was greatly burned by the whole vJoomla fiasco. I won't release anything I'm not confident in yet. While I'm confident Pam can run a site with me administrating it and fixing it, I still have to go into the core libraries on occasion and fix things. Until that stops happening any deployment won't occur.