Originally Posted by mccollin
.....I can speak to vBadvanced because thats what I currently use. It is a plug-in to vBulletin, so it uses the same overload tool. I would expect vbPortal to use the same one. I haven't tried vbPortal in several years, but it was pretty "heavy" back then, so I wouldn't recommend it. I think it is also a dead project and hasn't been updated in a long time.....
Just posting to mention, since this statement is incorrect, that vbPortal is not a dead project and is updated almost every time vBulletin release an update.
Originally Posted by scruff2
Interesting discussion to say the least.
I don't care that much about CMS vs Portal, but something all seem to lack is a "bypass flow valve" in case of huge traffic.
I run a webbsite with 225,000 members and they will flow on occasion to the site by the 1000s, bottlenecking and bringing the site to a crawl.
I'd need a portal/cms front end, that shuts down and redirects to the forums main page when SERVER loads defined are exceeded, then resumes itself without redirection once things calm down again.
Do any of these products do this?
It would be a simple file edit to redirect to the forum when the load is too high, rather than display the usual splash screen that the server load is too high.