Originally Posted by BozzaJos
Hey VBDev,
Got another feature I would love to see. I have perhaps hundreds of members who are using your shoutbox frequently and I decided to make some shoutbox rules for it. Because I've got some lame people who like to sign up for an account and spam in the shoutbox, I decided to make a 5 posts minimum rule before someone can use the shoutbox.
What I would like to have is the option to send someone a PM when they've reached the restrictions needed in order to use the shoutbox. This way a PM can be send to a member saying that he is now able to use the shoutbox and also include the shoutbox rules in the PM so people can't complain that they didn't know about the shoutbox rules.
Do you think this can be possible? I think it will be very handy to have. Not only for me but for everyone since you can put anything in the PM that you want.
Thanks in advance mate.
Kind regards,
I don't see the need for such a feature sorry.
Once they reach the number of posts, they do see the chatbox and the chatbox rules button so this is IMO sufficient.
Originally Posted by Ducks
Wow i love it, however af spam filter would be nice, and maybe a possibility to warn users (3 warns or so = ban). The filter could automatically warn users. Just an idea.
Spam filter ?
Originally Posted by maidos
hm vbdev dont need to check it anymore, i upgraded the forum to release candidate 1 and utf8 works now sorry for making so much fuss about it
Originally Posted by RebeccaK
I am going to upgrade to your chat system! Was using another one but I really need your channels feature.
I was actually looking for one that would do two things
Allow the users to select a color for their name---makes reading much easier with diff colors
allow the option to hear a little alarm-(some little notification sound) when a new posting is made. this would allow the user to collapse the box and continue working while waiting to hear from someone they had said something to.
If you know a patch or a way to hack this in I would be very grateful!
OH---and the ability to limit the smilies choosen. I provide some tiny and a lot of big smilies for the posts---but would like to keep it small in the chat.
I will be toying with creating a subdirectory of smilies dedicated to the chat today---but given that I am not a computer person any help you might provide would be excellent!
I won't do a feature to allow users to change their usernames as the chatbox is integrated into vBulletin and so takes the vBulletin username colors.
About the sound, I don't understand you at all, when user collapse the chatbox, it's doesn't refresh anymore so there couldn't be any warning !?
About the smilies, I am sorry but I can't add this feature into the chatbox as I did developped it for another user, he paid me for it, and thus can't release the result of this job (I wouldn't agree if I did).
Originally Posted by jdelasko
Vbulletin Version: 3.6.4
The ban command doesn't work for me. I can ban a user, but it has no effect. Nowhere does it say the user is banned and they can still post in the chatbox. If I try to ban the user again, it says the user is already banned.
How do you un-ban a user? If it says a user is banned, and I've removed all of their chats from the chatbox, I have no idea what to do to clear the ban.... that really didn't work anyways.
I just need to make sure all users are un-banned, because I'm going to remove this command until it's working. I've set up a special user group in the mean time so I can prevent access to the chatbox. It would be nice to have this command working.
I have posted a fix for this command in some of the previous posts.
Check the chatbox help to find out how to see which users are banned and how to unban them