Great Hack ! :up:
Originally Posted by SVTCobraLTD
If anyone is interested I figured out how to make this only accessible for admin's or members who have admincp access.
Ftp to your forums > modcp and download the file "mas_rateapp.php"
Then go to forums > adimcp and upload the file "mas_rateapp.php" there.
Next go to forums > includes > xml and edit the file "cpnav_mas.xml"
and change it to
And then reupload to the xml folder and your done.
:up: but in modcp, there's still the line "moderator applicants", with just "rate applicants", and i click on it, it gives a logical "no input file specified". How can i erase this line in the modcp please ?
And one more question : how can i delete the link to the moderator application in the "quick links" menu ? Actually, i don't want my membres be able to access the applicant any time they want, but only when i need mods.
Thanks a lot,