I am going to upgrade to your chat system! Was using another one but I really need your channels feature.
I was actually looking for one that would do two things
Allow the users to select a color for their name---makes reading much easier with diff colors
allow the option to hear a little alarm-(some little notification sound) when a new posting is made. this would allow the user to collapse the box and continue working while waiting to hear from someone they had said something to.
If you know a patch or a way to hack this in I would be very grateful!
OH---and the ability to limit the smilies choosen. I provide some tiny and a lot of big smilies for the posts---but would like to keep it small in the chat.
I will be toying with creating a subdirectory of smilies dedicated to the chat today---but given that I am not a computer person any help you might provide would be excellent!