I had a problem when I activated a Force read to a Thread (global) to all my users and they enter to my forum by the portal (vBAdvanced CMPS) then the announcement of the force read shows a wrong link because the url of my portal is:
And the URL of my forum is:
So when the announcement(messages) of the Force Read showed it to my users in my portal showed the wrong link, like this:
Instead of the correct link to the thread, like this:
So I did a temporal fix editing the product of the Mod, this part:
LINE 148
.........<a href="http://www.myforum/forums/showthread.php?t={1}">here</a>.]]></phrase>
<phrasetype name="vBulletin Settings" fieldname="vbsettings">
<phrase name="setting_forcereadthread_disable_file_desc" date="1204521087" username="Abe" version="2.0"><![CDATA[If you would like to disable this hack for certain files, simply enter the name of the file(s) here. Separate each file name with a carriage return (new line).<br />
Like you saw I had to add the complete URL of my forum in that part to fix my problem.
So maybe Abe1 you can d a fix in the next release and you can add an option in the ACP for the users that have installed a portal like me.