Originally Posted by bunglehaze
Hi Mosh,
the code I have is as follows:
if ($vbulletin->options['enable_wicao'] &&
$display_chat = FORUMDISPLAY;
if ($vbulletin->options['enable_wicao'])
$vbulletin->templatecache["{$display_chat}"] = str_replace($vbulletin->options['text_wicao'],
which is different to the code you posted in step 3 (and I know there is a section missing at the top too but at the moment I am not too fussed. I am guessing that having it displayed at the bottom of the page it adds to the queries when it does not need to.
oh and marked as installed 
Hi Leigh,
It looks like you are editing the wrong plugin, step 3 is to stop the bottom who is chatting being displayed on the forum homepage, it has nothing to do with queries, it has to do with aesthetics, so it will do no harm having both showing at the same time.
[S]If want me to take a look then feel free to PM me your site address, an temp admin user (with permissions for managing products and editing templates), without these I cannot help you. I will look at the problem
when I have time, and even if I have a look, I can not guarantee that I will be able to fix it, but should be able to, so it is up to you what you want to do.[/S]