Originally Posted by Boofo
Same here. I thought that was the only accepted way to do it, actually. I didn't think you could use a closing image tag like </img>.
I believe you can do closing tags for ALL HTML tags. But I think since nothing goes in between the > and </img> that it is just accepted as /> so that the browser does a little less rendering.
Originally Posted by Biggles
As a non-coder, I am reluctant to enter into this new discussion as to which method is better. I'm just grateful to both of you for trying to help others achieve what in my opinion is a much classier way of posting images - by wrapping text around them.
Hats off to both of you. Wish I could code.  Even after years of running vB sites, I can only go in and make small changes and do things by trial and error. Horses for courses, I guess.
Best wishes
We have all been there. I was there at age 14, but now at age 16, with some hard work, concentration, and dedication I can code. LOL. But if you really want to, you could sit down for a couple of weeks and learn.

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