Originally Posted by ssslippy
Currently Elfmage who owns www.nuhit.com is away. Ive been around on nuhit before it was nuhit. His current version works however there is some bugs with foreign characters, a bug with user names and #'s and there is also a bug with the sitemap generator.
NuSEO was built around speed and pure SEO unfortunally with nuhit gone its kinda in a near finished state. It has great support for more products then vbseo does thats for sure but with the lack of current support the only product I can say that is reliable from him is vbwiki. Vbwiki will continue to work till 4.0 comes out or mediawiki does another big version change.
Also note all the testimonials on www.nuhit.com are real. I know a couple of people who run it and have their testimonials up there. I wont give out names as thats not up to me but they are real.
so for my use nuseo is a good product?
What kidn of problem (data gone? impossible to connect? etc.) can create those bugs?
In clear, nuseo wont have a new version? it doesn't make that we want to buy it if it's already dead

but if iat least for what i want to do, it's stable, light, and does it...why not.
What's sure is that vbseo staff are crazy with their prices (and especially their branding removal price) maybe they think we are cows or use the fact they have just one competitor (and gone for now)