You mean that nobody does the nuseo support? how can we sale something and then let the support? What kind of bugs are there? do you know when he will come back? and if he will continue support and realease new version? i don't want to buy something and then be letted, or i would like my money back
vbseo is 50 dollars more expensive and branding free 120!!!!
I need 2 licence, with brading free. if i get vbseo => 150+150+120+120 = 540 $ (!!!!!!!)
I f i take 2 licences of nuseo + brading free (special option 2 install + brading free) => 180$...
vbseo is 3 times more expensive.
So maybe my question should be: is vbseo 3 times better than nuseo? Maybe i should add that all i really need is the rewrite url option (all others are just bonus, and i would just like some like 301 redirect, and adsense targeting but all i really need is rewrite url to be more se friendly)