Hi, I have version 6.3 of postthanks installed and am running 3.6.8 (patch level 2). Today I started getting the following error on a couple threads.
This is at the top of the page in orange or red:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/functions_post_thanks.php on line 183
Then this is in a "vBulletin Message" box:
Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/tnedator/public_html/forums/includes/class_core.php
Line: 3075
If you go to this thread
http://www.broncosforums.com/forums/...ad.php?t=11734 and click on the second page, the error occurs.
I see that "for each" errors have been fixed in some of the 7.x releases. Should I just upgrade to 7.3? Is there any issues using 7.3 with 3.6.8?
Any help would be appreciated.