Originally Posted by lasto
is this boardwise or can it be set to only allowing checking in certain forums.
Good hack by the way m8
It was designed to work globally across all a board's forums.
Originally Posted by codershark
also works on 3.7 ?
I have not tested this version for 3.7.x compatibility, but I will be releasing a 3.7-specific version (should this one be incompatible) sometime soon.
Originally Posted by iogames
Wow! incredible job! [as always]
But I was planning to assign my Mods which forums to moderate and which don't :P
anyways voted & promoted :up:
I'm more worried about the 'Mod Performance', your hack got this function?
Mod Performance? Are you speaking of database usage, extra queries, etc. or something else?
Originally Posted by Cybertims
All works great for me so far except:
I get this column but no numbers show up in yet...
A new column next to "Views" will display the number of Unchecked Posts in each thread.
Sorry, forgot to add I am using it on 3.7, is that maybe why?
Like I said above, I haven't tested this version for compatibility with the 3.7.x series, however, if this version is incompatible, I will be releasing a 3.7-specific version.