Originally Posted by Cyricx
That should be there. You added an ei_folder field to the forum table of your database right? You didn't create a whole new table right?
Edit one of the forums and put in INBOX for that field, then save and edit it again to verify it took the change.
That`s exactly what I did !
In 2.2 the "ei_folder" was there, and in 2.6 not, right ?
The "ei_folder" is not the big problem....in 2.2 it`s at all working....but not so fine, like the 2.6 sounds to do.
But the upgrade to 2.6 do not send mails by the special forum-adress and the smilies are not shown...sending mails ans answering by mail is working !
So I think there are only some little mistakes...not the whole one !
Thanks for your time.