Originally Posted by fordsho
My forum has been constantly turning on and off..... so now i receive this email
Alright f**ker..
Here's the deal. You don't want your site going down anymore? You're going to have to do 1 thing.
Give me access to your cPanel for the day. And tomorrow I'll remove my account that has all admin rights. Deal?
How I've been doing it.. hehe.. well, I have a hidden account on your database that has all admin rights. All I want to do is get in your cPanel to copy your database and I'll be on my way.
The way this works is.. you have a lot of users. You'll never find me in the 200,000something users you have. So.. therefore, you need me to give you the account I have so you can delete it. NOW.. replacing your database will not work. For I have a program on my desktop that gives me admin access to any vbulletin forum I want. You want your site safe? Well.. give me your cPanel and we'll call it even. You can change your cPanel password tomorrow.
He keeps turning it on and off how can i put an end to this!!
Please Do Not Use Bad Word In Here
And Contact Your Host For Help I Am Sure They Will Help You