I installed as per instructions but when i refresh the thread i have just looked at i get a blank white screen.
I also have this problem..
Originally Posted by brvheart
ok, I have 3.0.7
this is the code that I see:
PHP Code:
/set thread last view if ($thread['pollid'] AND $vboptions['updatelastpost'] AND ($displayed_dateline == $thread['lastpost'] OR $threadview == $thread['lastpost']) AND $pollinfo['lastvote'] > $thread['lastpost']) { $displayed_dateline = $pollinfo['lastvote']; }
if ((!$posted OR $updatethreadcookie) AND $displayed_dateline AND $displayed_dateline > $threadview) { set_bbarray_cookie('thread_lastview', $threadid, $displayed_dateline);
I am supposed to be looking for this:
PHP Code:
// ********************************************************************************* //set thread last view $threadview = fetch_bbarray_cookie('thread_lastview', $thread['threadid']);
so where should I add the this above?
PHP Code:
################################################################################ ########################## Who Viewed This Thread ############################## ########################## CONFIGURATION ############################## ################################################################################
Any ideas?