TalkVirginia - New Online Community for Virginia
Hi, I've recently launched a new online community for Virginia and surrounding area residents, however everyone is welcome. I'm still a bit new to all of this and would really appreciate having everyone check it out, and let me know where I've missed the mark and what I can do to improve it. My intention for the site is to provide a social networking venue, and a resource about Virginia, for residents, or anyone that may be interested in learning more about the State.
I've signed up with to help me get my forum started and that is well underway, however I'm concerned about content. How much should I provide myself, and how much should I leave to users to provide? If I get content from other sources on the Internet, I'm concerned about what I can copy and what I can't. I'm not an English major so my "Wordsmithing" ability leaves a lot to be desired.
Any suggestions, comments, etc will be appreciated.