This product essentially causes a $post['rsum'] value to be defined in the postbit and postbit_legacy templates.
This value contains the total reputation that the post has got (all scores are added together).
Using template edits and conditionals based on that value, you can display the result in any way you want.
It is a very flexible system.
By default, it uses a simple green/red number and icon as can be seen in the template edit above.
So, screenshots wouldn't really represent it well, because the way it is displayed is up to the board owner who installs it. They can use the variable supplied for any purpose, or even build other hacks based on it.
By default, posts with positive rep have something like this added to the right of their icon :
Posts with negative overall reputation, of, say, 4, have this added to their title :
Again though, how it displays is entirely down to you.
You can display it very differently by just using a slightly different template edit.