Thanks for the update.
The only thing that is missing is who's online for people browsing post_thanks.php, otherwise it's a perfect mod.
It's easy to do too. Here's mine from my radio mod:
online_location_process hook
if($filename=='radioandtv.php'){$userinfo['activity'] = 'radio_stations';}
online_location_unknown hook
$userinfo['where'] = '<a href="javascript:openRadioAndTV()">' . " $vbphrase[rs_radiostations]</a>";
$userinfo['action'] = $vbphrase['rs_listening_to_radio'];
$handled = true;
I can add this in mine if I want, this is just a heads up.
edit: just to clear it up, this is for when you are browsing who's online for a phrase to appear what the user is doing, and not the file name he's browsing