Someone With Windows Vista Please Help Me!
I had a bunch of free fonts installed and I wanted to delete all those junk fonts because I just got Adobe Font Folio 11. I accidentally deleted some of the default fonts and I cannot get them back. Because of this Photoshop will not open because it gets an error when "initializing palettes" and causes Photoshop to stop working.
I'm about ready to go insane. I've been searching google now for over 3 hours to try to find the default fonts that come with Vista but I cannot find them anywhere. I've tried everything from installing other windows software trials like office, power point, outlook etc because they install the default fonts. But those fail because "permission denied. failed to create font. make sure you have permission", which makes no sense because the account I'm on is the Administrator and only account on my computer.
I've tried finding download sites to download the fonts. But 90% of the sites link to the same site which gives me a "cannot be found" message because the file has been removed. And the other 10% of sites just link to another site, which links to another site, which links do another site which are all just filled with google ads.
I've tried loading my Windows Vista disc to see if I could get the fonts that way but didn't work either.
If anyone can help me out please let me know. I got some work to do and I cannot do anything at the moment.