Originally Posted by TRR
I uploaded the beta... still have the issue ...
Noted. Will continue working on it
Originally Posted by filipo
Cyricx - Excellent and very useful mod!
I've been using phpBB2 with the m2f mod (mail to forum) but I'm considering the switch to vBulletin.
Couple of questions:
1. Is it possible to include attachments with outbound e-mails and not just the links?
Possible. Yes, but not something I plan to code in, if someone wants to write that, rock on

It's really not feasible for any of my uses. My intent is to get the readers to visit the forum and ween them off the mailing list
Originally Posted by filipo
2. When I send an attachment to the forum by e-mail, no thumbnail is generated - only the link is shown. Did I miss a setting somewhere that would have attachments show up the same as if they were added online in the forum?
Right now the attachments don't interact with the thumbnail generator. Something I plan to add very soon... well... after I get the last few bugs that keep cropping up ironed out!
Originally Posted by neil00027
I've installed it on one of my sites and am getting the following error: Fatal error: Call to a member function set_parsing_language() on a non-object in /home/forum/www/www/includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 1093
Can you please verify that you are using the latest version. Including readding the product xml and selecting overwrite as well as overwriting the /includes/cron/emailintegration.php file? I'm fairly certain this is a previously resolved bug.
Originally Posted by neil00027
Emails are normally (but not always) staying in the forum email inbox rather than being collected and added to the forum. I've read the thread above and think I've done everything suggested. What do you suggest that I do to solve this issue?
I believe I just discovered today, the criteria that is causing it. I believe it has to do with the message being a multipart:mixed and the decode file doesn't seem to be getting the body information and boundaries right. I'm digging through this now. The decode file was a open source file so I'm literally decodeing... the decode file to figure out where it is screwin up
Originally Posted by neil00027
On another matter the Subject header is reading as follows: [Forum One-t-8]. I'm presuming the t-8 is the name of the thread. Is it possible to drop this item from the subject header?
I tried to get rid of this in a previous version however, it has to be there.

Alot of the newer email virus scanners are rebuilding the message header. Which is clearing ou the message id field that I use to determine parentids and such. So the t-# needs to be there otherwise the users with certain virus email scanners emails will always show up as new threads.
Originally Posted by neil00027
As a point of clarification - how does this modification fit in with the moderation functions of vBulletin?
I haven't tested this in depth yet.
Originally Posted by neil00027
A couple of things for the wish list for the modification.
1. On the old style of email (which I much prefer!) - it doesn't say in the body of the email who the author. Would it be possible to add this? For many of my email users this will be an essential requirement.
2. I would like to add my own personal message to the footer - It would be great if this can be done simply by entering ones desired text into a text box designed for the purpose. There may also be times when I want to add a message also to the top of the message. Is there a way I can do both of these at the moment?
Once again thanks Cyricx for such an important addition to vBulletin!
1. I had it adding in the signature of the user
I could add the username in there. I'll make a note and see about that in the next version.
2. Right now it's built in a very messy and slow manner. My thoughts are to take this to a global setting that people can go in and edit the links for etc. It's planned for the future, though it's a low priority compared to the few remaining rare bugs
Haven't dropped off the earth gang
I recently took over position of President for the not-for-profit org I do alot of work for, so I've been running around picking up pieces and writing custom modifications.
Bear with me...
O crap, forgot to mention.. anyone else having reports of AOL users unable to display the messages?
I'm fairly certain it has to do with the message encoding and have been working on that as well.
Thank you all for your support, bug reports and suggestions!