I personally don't mind if someone links to an interesting article as part of a topic, if it's relevant. Heck, if the topic is about the article or what not, the topic BETTER have a link, because I sure as heck wouldn't want to search the article name or them just copy and pasting the whole article.
If it's about people just posting advertisements... not really in favour of it. But again, if the site is relevant and interesting there's no problem, like a fun tool online, or such like. If it's just 'join my site at...' then I'd just delete the post/topic.
Edit: I also have a custom vB code for nofollow links, so if the advertisement is seeming to be benefitting, I just put it in this format:
[nofollow=address of link]Title of link[/nofollow]
Also useful if the site is a direct competitor.