Originally Posted by Revpolar
Nice hack.
How can I let my moderators use this in the mod cp?
At this time there is no permissions for the ModCP... I've added that to the future features list and will be workin' on that...
Originally Posted by rolandogomez
Cool, let me know. Also, do you do custom work, these other "guys" are all ugly looking I'd rather have a beautiful programmer (grins)...on kids, know that one well, I have five (grins). Regardless, you're always going to be "12" plus whatever you want to add to it, I'm 24 plus 21. Hey, you programmers and coders, how many bytes is that? or is it bits? Don't know, I'm only a webmaster of sorts... Thanks, rg sends!
I sent you an email through vBulletin.org =0)
Originally Posted by beduino
tks a lot
** a question [or suggestion ...] how we display in vbadanced?
tks again
Added to Future Features list -- Gonna be working on making this happen today cause I really need it too LOL
Originally Posted by tazzarkin
Anyone have an idea why this would work, but still get the errors listed above?
I can not reproduce this error on any of my vBulletins (I am running several different versions) but am looking into it...