First of all, GREAT MOD!
Works like a charm.
I was also wondering like the poster above, how to best make this show at the top of any page I want. I tied both [AJAX] cChatBox and MGC Chatbox Evo. Both were functional and and worked for me.. cChatBox was able to appear at the tops of most pages, and I could probably get in on the ones it was missing, but it lacks a lot of features. MGC Chatbox Evo had more features and worked on the top of every page including my home page, but the PM system didn't work well for me to allow private chats, and the admin of it is akward. Both of them have a fair amount of lag between refreshing even with values set low.
Anyway, what I am basically after if it is possible at all, is to have flashchat in a collapsible element at the tops of all my pages, the way that both those mods work. That would keep people logged in when they switch pages.
I find that with a link to my flashchat most people will use it for a bit, then just let it fall by the wayside. Having it at the tops of my pages got everyone using chat, a lot.
hopefully I am making some sort of sense, if it is not a possible thing to do, I can go back to the one of the other I guess, or use a combination of one of those and Flashchat