Originally Posted by symptome
What do you do on your site to allow or deny advertisements of your users?
A) If someone posts a link to his own website home, do you allow that?
B) If someone posts a link to a page of his on website, where very interesting information resides ... do you allow that? Or is that advertisment because people will navigate to the other pages on the website as well
On my site we're talking about health. There are lots of doctors which link to their sites, which is in fact some kind of advertisment for them. They will attract potential clients with that. But I don't know where to place the border because they publish a lot of good information and they also link to good information on their sites. So it's not very good for my forum, if their members punish those people and accuse them of doing advertisement against the rules.
How do you handle that?
Advertisements in posts are everywhere, and they are very natural. Even in my signature here I have my own forum. But the question is if it is spam or relevant. If it is relevant, I don't see a problem, users on your site WILL click elsewhere, because we all do (I have 6 tabs open as we speak).
Where to draw the line? If the link is to support an argument or to reveal a certain idea within context, then it's fine, it would be better if it is provided with a discussion, and not only a link on its own.
The intention behind it is what matters, and ask yourself, if this link is posted, will it enhance the quality of your forum?