Private Chat
Hey everyone, I'm not the best coder in the world but if I was good or reasonably good, I would definetely have a crack at this mod for everyone to use. I feel this could be very fun to use.
Just like the chatbox and a private message, but have it as a private chat. Where someone can click an online user, and a notification will come up for the online user saying so and so wants to private chat - accept - decline. Then it basically brings up a chatbox (like on
Like I said, I'm not a proper coder because I am new but I am very keen to learn. I have took a crack at this but got no where, but if I was a professional or a good coder, I would definetely do it for everyone. I think this could be fun to code and use, so I hope someone or a few people can take a crack at this, I feel it will be quite popular.