Originally Posted by sweede
I don't know why, but i am completly unable to reproduce the issue in IE 7.0. It really limits my ability to test and debug this issue completly.
Also, my plugin doesnt modify the headers in IE. It modifies the headers in PHP memory before IE even knows it exists. This isn't the source of the error.
It's the wowhead javascript file that is the apparent problem. It also appears that a possible solution is simply adding a </base> tag to close off the <base> tag.
For those who do and can reproduce this issue, try modifying the wowhead_headerinclude template and add </base> to the very first line (before <!-- WoWHead Mouseover-Tooltips --> )
and let me know how that works for you ?
Yeah, I completely removed your insertion into the header by disabling the specific hook and added the entries in manually with a locally cached copy of power.js...and I am still having issues.
Trying your fix now as well. I'll report back here with results.