Originally Posted by EnIgMa1234
You don't get it. No part of vbulletin is dedicated to security, sure there are some articles but no definate place for them. Therefore it makes them hard to find. This new site is dedicated to protecting you and your vbulletin. Maybe the software is extremely "hackproof" but there is no bigger hole in any site than a newbie admin. This site will give them techniques on how to prevent, prepare and recover from an attack from other experianced admins.
Just wanted to put my 2? in after reading through this thread, as well as the
New 'Security Section' Proposal one too...
I came into vBulletin knowing very little. I'd venture to guess, less than most anyone who's started a board. I knew nothing of ftp, much less security.

So, I read, and I read, and I read about any thread I could find discussing security issues, on any board I could find them at.
And just as magnus stated (
here) "
At best, you would have a forum of security suggestions where people would simply peruse the thread looking for various step-by-step instructions on how to do something -- not even understanding why it is they're doing what they're doing."
Well, that's exactly what I did. W-H-Y?
Because, there was no (single) place for me to learn what to do to help secure my website, at least not that I ever found. :erm: Should I have done nothing? I think not. While I'm still not completely comfortable with everything I implemented (because I don't understand it all yet), I still feel better having some measures in place to help protect my website from hackers out there.
I for one, would WELCOME such spot to discuss such things and learn more about security. Whether it's on vBulletin.com, vBulleting.org, or vbsecure as suggested.
For those like magnus and others who'll forget more about security than I'll probably ever learn, my hat is off to them for being so competent at what they do.
Still, for those of us that are relative newbies at all this, it seems cruel to just throw us out to the wolves and force us to scrape up what we can about security from here, there, and everywhere.(At least that's not my preferred mode of learning.

Ideally, what I'd like to see is a spot where I could learn what I need to know how to adequately secure a website, and what bone-head things you don't ever want to do.

That may start out with "step-by-step instructions", but I would hope it would evolve into more discussions about the reasons behind those changes, and as magnus suggested maybe pointing people in the right direction to learn a bit of php, etc so we could better protect ourselves from security pitfalls.