Site Name: Recovery Crossroads
Recovery for Alcoholics, Addicts, and anyone with an addiction at Recovery Crossroads offers great information for and a Safe Place in Recovery.
We are a Website that will foster friendships, promote camaraderie and endorse the sharing of knowledge through a foundation that is built on integrity, community involvement, and unity. To unite all types of Recovery who seek to protect and preserve the sacred sanctity of sharing. To encourage sharing recovery and to provide fellowship, both locally and worldwide, and to provide an ever expansive knowledge base of experience, strength, and hope for helping others like us. We will accomplish this by offering a family oriented outlet for the newcomer and veterans alike to not only garner information about their recovery, but will first and foremost; offer the opportunity for its members, and their families, to join in activities that may help them and others.
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Username: Guest
PW: password
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Reason for Nomination:
To respectfully show the work of the software and all of the coders who have helped to provide the opportunity for me to build on their abilities and to be able to help give back to the community of those who seek the help they can now find online. I thank all of those who provide the fine mods that gave me the opportunity to build this website.